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  • Writer's picturemyabundantlife

Faith or Fear

What crazy times we are in!

There are a few ways to look at our current state in our nation. We are in judgement, or we are in a time of collapse like many past civilizations. At the very least we are about to have the most tumultuous financial crisis the world has ever seen. There really is no way around this one...

If there is a time in our nation to be in fear it is now. But really do we need to be in fear?

Maybe. But we don't need to be, actually, we shouldn't be!

Hear me out.

So every civilization before our time has fallen catastrophically and mainly it was from a financial breakdown or conquering by another nation. I personally feel they were just judgement from the Most High. There is always a sort of moral decay before nations fall, but that is something I am not going to get into here though.

Just in the past century we have seen Germany collapse, Russia conquered by the Bolsheviks, the Chinese communists took over a once free nation, and then you have Venezuela and countless others just overtaken. It really isn't about communism but total authoritarian regimes conquering nations. And with that, what makes us different as a nation?

Really, I don't think we are much different.

So should we be in fear? I would be if I didn't have faith. Actually, I do get fearful from time to time but that is when I really don't focus on who I serve. The God (Elohim) that I serve is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The one who split the Red Sea. The One who gave the power to Israel to take out giants.

My God, Yehovah, conquered nations, fed HIS people manna in the middle of the desert while providing water from a rock. What do I need to fear?

How about the fact that I have the same power that raised Yeshua from the dead within me. I have Yeshua's same power to cast out demons and heal. What exactly is there to fear?

What if death is my fate in all of this?

As scary as it may be, I do trust HE will give me to the power to overcome in that time. For real, death is always something facing a believer. Since the beginning of Yeshua's mission the persecution of HIS followers have existed. Followers of Yeshua (Jesus) are currently the most persecuted people group in the world. So yes, this is a reality for those who follow truth in a broken world. We must never discount this as a possibility. I would even go further to state that living in the United States or Western nations have been a blessing and I think we allowed that blessing to make us complacent.

This is the way I look at all of this. John the Baptist was in prison and eventually beheaded while Yeshua walked this earth. The valiant follower of Yeshua baptized our Messiah! Why wouldn't Yeshua save him from his horrible fate? Yeshua was there! Yeshua was healing the sick and casting out demons. HE could have saved HIM and rebuked those who persecuted John the Baptist. However, Yeshua didn't. How humbling of a thought that is...And what that means to me is that because we have Yeshua, this doesn't mean we will be safe from death and persecution. Its coming friends.

So yea, are we supposed to be in fear? Nope. Yeshua didn't come to save us in the physical. HE conquered death. In HIM, we gain life eternally no matter what happens to us physically. And that my friends is the victory! No matter what this life brings us, it won't change our hope and salvation in WHO gave it all on a tree 2000 years ago. Yeshua was persecuted and suffered tremendously so we can live. Why wouldn't we suffer?

I want you to remember who you serve. Remember your reward and give it all to HIM no matter what this life brings. Suffering is inherent in the life of the believer regardless of what pastors say. Prosperity is only promised in the life after. Actually suffering is a better reward since it refines the heart of the believer.

I give this message to you after suffering my second miscarriage since September (and possibly one or two miscarriages early this year). My babies death have given me life. I have embraced the beauty of death and want the same for you. I am assured of my life after my last breath. And my wish for you and myself is that we hold this hope to the death of our physical body.

"Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain. He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in the world will keep it for eternal life."
~ John 12:24-25 NKJV

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