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Water Conservation: Something that is heavy on my heart...

The other day I talked about the importance of rain and that topic has been heavy on my mind. The main reason for this is that I grew up in the midwest and surrounded by corn fields. I remember one really hot and dry summer we prayed for weeks on end for rain at our church. Because I was so young I cannot remember much about when it began to rain again or if it ever did that year, but what I do remember is many farmers lost their crops that summer.

As a child and one who spent most of her adult life in corporate America, I lost that connection to the land so rain was something that happened but nothing that sustained my life (well...not in my perception even though it does!). This all did change, thankfully. A few years ago I decided to learn more about this permaculture topic that I heard so much about in my research of how to go back to the land. I took a Permaculture Design Course, and as I was always told I learned that rain is necessary...and boy did I learn how much it is.

Okay...I already talked about this more in-depth yesterday so I am at the point of beating a dead horse about the rain, BUT what I do want to elaborate on is: water conservation.

You see, my hubby and I spent several years living in an off-grid RV while building our homestead. No running water. No showers but at the nearest truck stop (28 miles away). We literally saved every drip of water that we had since running out of water meant going 30 minutes away over a snowy and icy mountain pass to get more. Washing dishes meant using less than a gallon or use compostable paper plates and bowels (and we did). 

The funny thing about this experience, as an American Constitutionalist minded person, I have had a few leftists school me on the environment and sustainability...while they use their HVAC in abundance and having no regard how much water consumption the average American uses. 

I am not an environmentalist in any way or fashion. What I would consider myself if asked is that I am a conservationist. I agree that corporate America has utterly destroyed our soils, land, and water systems. That isn't the average person or Capitalism that did that...that was corporations colluding with the government to allow them to expand despite the economic and environmental destruction they would cause. Only to have more bucks in their deep pockets that like to bribe politicians. 

Once I learned of this...and trust me, as a child I always wondered why every facet of our lives seemed so complicated with all of this technology when I much rather being out side in the woods making mud pies for my pretend children. I decided to take responsibility and go back to the land. It was hard. Like really hard...but if there is a will there is a way especially when one has the Most High on their side.

And a part of this journey was realizing how much water I wasted/used and how I can implement practices in my life to save and reuse that water. This is something I urge all to do...even the leftist who wants to school me as a Conservative about the environment.

Here are what steps I take to implement more water saving and conservation:

1. I take shorter showers. Simple.

2. If we had all of the money in the world I would implement a grey water system, and if you have extra cash then I would suggest this. However, I cannot even install one so I will save the dogmatic praise of grey water. Then again, you can still save grey water. What I do is I wash and rinse veggies, dishes, even my hands in a basin. When it gets full it goes out to my flower bed and/or new pine trees that I have recently planted.

3. Rain water catchment. Installation of gutters and the rain water barrels is not that expensive and can be DIY if you know how to use a few tools.

4. Lastly, and there is much much more but I will end with this one, if it is yellow then it is mellow. If its brown flush it down. We don't flush the toilet unless there is something more solid and brown in there. 

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