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  • Writer's picturemyabundantlife

What this is all about...

So through the past few years we have been trying to find out our focus. I began as a personal trainer, health coach, and then changed my focus to raw vegan coaching. In all of this, I realized that I still wasn't hitting the message I wanted to convey to anyone around me. All literally felt like I was just marketing myself and never really representing who I am authentically. Nothing seemed to be a perfect match... Then it happened. My whole reason for diving into health and wellness was to heal my own physical issues and balance my thyroid. Mostly so we can get pregnant after over 3 years of trying. And we were blessed this past June with just that. After just giving it to our Creator we found out on 20 July that I had conceived and had my first ever positive pregnancy test. I knew then that my whole focus needed to be different. I am not here to counsel or coach people on health because there is a deep spiritual element to this that I rather not get involved except to just share my personal testimony. Well...this past week I miscarried. I was about 11 week pregnant and the baby stopped growing at 6 weeks but had a heartbeat still although it was very slow. The diagnosis was that I was a high risk pregnancy and more than likely would miscarry. And several hours later my body began labor with our child and there was nothing I can do to stop it. So I knew more than ever from this week I needed to change everything. Throw off everything on the drawing board. You see I always wanted to share what God (we call Yehovah or the Most High) has done for us but never knew what approach we needed to start off on. However the last thing I ever wanted was to be a "ministry" so we decided to go about this through a marketing approach even to the point of just focusing on health and wellness without the Most High as the topic. Then again it is sickening to market what the Most High has done for us.  I know not all of you are believers, and that is okay. I won't push my beliefs but will now focus on just the abundance and blessings we see everyday when we actually focus on the beauty of life.  I am not going to lie. I have been very angry and have lost hope a few times in just a week. And I don't expect that to change. There are times this week that I have felt I got a cheap hand in life but listening to Kari Jobe's song "Forever" has brought me back to the hope we all desperately need in our broken world. This may be a bit personal but that song is the one we dedicate to our child who we believe has a back stage pass to Jesus (we call HIM by HIS Hebrew name, Yeshua meaning Salvation). Please listen to this song and think about all of the babies that never got to leave the womb and are now living with Salvation with our Savior. Death has been defeated and overcame by perfect love. My baby is so blessed right now! So that is what I am going to share with you is our testimony. I want to encourage you as I know we all have pain. There is so much suffering and not enough positivity and hope to draw from and I hope to be just that little hint of light for you if you allow it. And that is why I changed my email yet again. I am no longer a "coach" but my focus in on abundance. My abundant life can apply to you for sure. And I will be blogging in on my new and simple website "Our Abundant Life". You can check it out here but it still in the making so I should have a blog up soon.  Essentially, my focus is on blogging my testimony and what I have on my heart to share. I hope you enjoy the weeks to come as I splurge on what really makes me tick...and I hope you will catch my enthusiasm, sadness, and realness in these topics. Now on to some updates... My hubby and I are still running MeWe and Gab groups for Raw Vegan recipes that we will start becoming more active in very soon...this week I hope. If interested in joining please respond. We recently adopted a flock of chickens (I know we are vegan...its not for us). We hope to use them for their very basic nature...they till the soil, eat pests in your garden, make great inoculation for the soil from their poop, and eat weeds. I cannot wait to give updates after my experiment is complete for making a great top soil amendment. Our chicks are doing a great job working this experiment and I am sure they will be finished in a few weeks. The first poles have been set up for our fencing and we will adopt Icelandic sheep in the weeks to come. Definitely needed to help fill the void. These sheep will be my babies for sure until our Creator allows for another little soul to settle into my womb. My next step is learning how to can and ferment veggies. So far we aren't really growing anything except we started our hydroponics system in our kitchen. We have recently harvested kale and chard, and in about a month we should have some basil! However, this next spring is more than likely our first start to growing our own food...and of course I will be make a lot of fermented foods such as kimchi! Yum!!!!! So there you have it goal is to share with you stuff like that. I want to share every part of our permaculture homestead and the blessings we see from day to day. My goal in our homestead is grow our nutrition and make sure I am giving my body only the abundance of our land along with adopting a life of simplicity and hope.  Stay tuned for more! Blessings

Now this will be the only marketing you will ever get, I promise. We have partnered with an amazing company that provides awesome superfoods. If you would like to support our journey then you can by purchasing quality superfoods shipped to your door. I still have my passion for health and wellness and love to give the gift of passion for it to others. Purium products are produced by permaculture advocates who value healthy soils and peak ripeness in all of their products. Also, they have come out with compostable packaging. Join me on my daily regimen of starting my days with the Core 4 package. Purchase yours today and get a $50 discount on your first order...and become a part of the journey as I am starting to use our experience to help you embark on yours! Click here to order!!!! ****Disclaimer: This email is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Products, services, information and other content provided on this email, including information that may be provided on this email directly or by linking to third-party websites are provided for informational purposes only. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options.


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